Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Sabixatzil - A.LL ALON.E


Sabixatzil - A.LL ALON.E

Sabixatzil’s A.LL ALON.E stands out from the rest of the artists' works with its unique focus on simpler guitar, much cleaner, less chaotic sounds over the regular noise and jazz. 

Despite this, it still manages to incorporate some of the more intense and chaotic elements present in Sabixatzil’s other releases and projects. The album's sound is both distinctive and straightforward in a very impressive manner, making it an enjoyable listening experience, still bordering on the experimental, with the recording techniques, tonality, and overall motif. 

If you’re a fan of neo-classical, Spanish-influenced, guitar noodling, look no further. There's a whole range of sounds of emotions for you, in this eight-track release.